There are different researches continually being made in order to comply with the needs of the society about ADHD causes information. For them, it is important to know the concrete information as possible so that they would be able to prevent the ADHD causes. This article would provide the different and recent ADHD causes discovered by researchers. It is very definite that you would be surprised by these recent studies for these are very rare. These ADHD causes have been studied further for assurance yet the current results showed that these ADHD causes are indeed contributing to development of ADHD.
Here are the following ADHD causes for you to take note:
- Smoking
It has been proven that when a mother smokes during pregnancy, the child would likely develop ADHD after birth.
- Food Dyes
It has been proven by studies that food dyes, or the dyes people would usually use in order to make the food more appealing, help in the further development of ADHD in kids.
- Unhealthy Diet
Kids who likely eat unhealthy diet are 2.2 times more possible to have ADHD. This unhealthy diet would include consumption of high intake of sugar, sodium, fat, low intake of fiber, folate, and omega 3 fatty acids.
- Genetics
It has been studied today that chromosomal factors may likely help kids develop ADHD disorder. Furthermore, it has been suggested that kids with mental disorder would likely have ADHD.
- Pesticide Chemicals
There are different new researches that suggest pesticides may link the exposure of kids to different chemicals contributing to development of ADHD.
These surprising facts are indeed helpful for you in keeping your child safe from ADHD. You should know that being updated about ADHD causes would also help you in keeping your child away from ADHD disorder. Remember that ADHD causes may not only occur before birth but also after birth.