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CategoriesADHD,  ADHD in Adults

ADHD Causes: The Physiological, Environmental, Sociological Factors

There are different studies that are conducted in order to determine the different ADHD causes. There are different researchers and studies that showed ADHD causes are indeed many in number but may be indefinite yet. It just shows that there may be studies made but only few ADHD causes have been supported by the experts’ researches made in different places. In this article, you would be provided with the three primary ADHD causes. It is sure that you would be able to understand what ADHD causes are after reading this article. These statements are supported by studies and in depth researches.

Here are the three primary ADHD causes:

  • Physiological Factor

It has been studied that brain structure differences lead to ADHD disorder. It has been studied that boys with ADHD have a symmetrical structure of brain. Also, the brain has smaller globuspallidus, prefrontal cortex, and caudate nucleus. The experts regard the globuspallidus and caudate nucleus as the translators of the commands. On the other hand, prefrontal cortex is the command center of the brain.

  • Environmental Factor

It has been studied that exposure of children to different elements in the environment causes ADHD, such as drugs, toxins, as well as lead.

  • Sociological Factor

It has been studied when the parent of the child experiences stress before birth, smokes, and drinks alcohol, the child would susceptibly have ADHD disorder.

These factors are very important for the understanding of the disorder. These ADHD causes are observed from different kids with different ages and gender. If you think these ADHD causes could be prevented, then you are the one who could make the change earlier. These factors are easily understood that is why taking heed of these causes would be important in giving your child better life than being deprived by the society because of the disorder.

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